

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

5 Ways To Beef Up Sales...Immediately

Last week, one of my clients—we'll call him Rick—had a demo scheduled with a prospect. The standard "show up and throw up" they typically did early in the sales cycle.

Trying to shorten the sales cycle, I asked naively, "Why does the customer want to buy? What are they trying to accomplish?" Rick couldn't tell me. I asked if he thought the salespeople knew. He said no. I gave him an assignment: he had to find out "Why," "Why now," and "What's it worth." Otherwise no demo.

In other words, no compelling reason to buy...No demo.

So Rick took a risk, and is rapidly moving to a fully-paid trial implementation.

Sure, long-term objectives and plans still matter, but I've been getting more and more inquiries focused on "what to do now." Entrepreneurs and executives alike are demanding help on how to improve revenues and profits right away.

How do you make the quickest difference? Focus the bulk of your energy on revenue generation. In other words, sales! And don't do it the same old way either, because -- as you may have noticed -- it isn't working that well.

Here are five ways for your sales force to bring in more business in short order. There are no magic bullets, but just last week I taught one of these techniques to a client (#2) and he used it to close a deal the following day! Use one or use them all. Each technique will have its own effect, and each will multiply the power of the others.

1. Sell return on investment, and sell it to the CFO.

Sales people are complaining that while the pipeline may be full, the deals are taking too long to close. Perhaps that's why the pipe is so full! What are the reasons for this? Companies have money, and in many cases they have needs. But many people are so scared THEIR customers aren't going to buy THEIR wares, they are loath to spend any money themselves. The result? They are only willing to spend money when they absolutely see near-term financial payback, and the CFO is killing many deals.

The solution? Sell the return on investment. Sell the payback. And sell it to the CFO. Arm your salespeople with two things: A series of case studies that document the returns from using your product, and a well-defined ROI process worksheet. Work with the CFO to build the ROI case so that he or she owns it. This is the only way they come to believe it. Make it their idea and instead of killing your deal, they will help you close it.

2. Forget USP. Determine your Usage Cases

Instead of focusing on why your product is the latest and greatest, clarify the ways in which potential customers will use your product to solve specific problems and produce tangible results. Then, instead of touting the "benefits" of your product--which often fall on deaf ears, anyway--engage your prospects in conversations about what costly and quantifiable problems they now have, and how they might use your product or service to alleviate those.

And, as sales guru Mike Bosworth says, don't tell them your offering IS the solution. You're a sales "guy" and they won't believe you. Instead, ask them if your possible solution might help them. If they believe it does, they have accepted your solution as truth. Then get them to tell you, in real dollar terms, what fixing that problem is worth.

3. Increase Sales Training. Use the 10% solution.

But don't expect any one salesperson--even your superstars--to be 100% at every part of your sales process. They almost never are. But there is a way you can raise the level of every person in your sales organization—immediately.

Use this process adopted from W. Edwards Demming's principle of optimization. Break your sales process into as many discrete--but meaningful--steps as you can.. Cold calling. Letter writing. Setting appointments. Identifying pain. Writing proposals. Presenting. And so on. Find out who in your organization excels at each step, and have those reps explain their methods and mindset to the rest of your sales force. Do all the steps at once in a marathon session, or one step at a time. Either way, the results will be amazing.

4. Use the 80/20 Rule. And get rid of the bottom 20.

There's no room in today's world for mediocre producers. Hold each member of your team accountable for reaching two kinds of performance benchmarks: results measurements, which include not only revenue, but perhaps new accounts and repeat business, and action measurements, which might include prospecting calls, appointments, and new contacts.

Not every sales person will be a superstar, but every one should pay their own way--and then some. Salespeople who aren't producing not only cost you money, they drag down the performance of your whole organization. You may not pay them very much, but why pay them anything? I suggest you do both yourself and them a favor, and let them go. Don't worry about having an empty desk: that warm chair was an expense your company doesn't need.

If you feel it isn't fair to "dump" them, or if your sales cycle is too long to measure short-term revenue results, give the problem reps a 30-day plan to increase their level of activity in specific ways. That's long enough to see an improvement if there's going to be one.

5. Track your results and work harder

Most entrepreneurial sales organizations fail to analyze their efforts. They have no idea how much effort--or money--it takes to create a new customer. The only indication they have of whether salespeople are "doing enough" is based on the revenue numbers. The answer? Track both activity and results, and use the statistics your garner to quickly raise performance. Break your sales process into a series of meaningful steps, counting each time a rep completes one. Calculate averages and set a benchmark. And while you're at it, analyze the percentage of deals that close whenever you complete that step. That knowledge can dramatically improve your sales forecasts.

Once you establish benchmarks--this one's a no-brainer--RAISE THE BAR. Yes, that's right, because the fact is, revenue isn't coming in fast enough. Do everything discussed above to improve your sales effectiveness--then do more of it. Just working smarter isn't going to cut it. You're going to have to work harder as well. And anyone who doesn't want to? See number 4 above.

I've developed a unique Sales Audit Process based on the work of W. Edwards Demming. This program is guaranteed to produce an immediate 10-25% improvement in your company's sales, or more. If you'd like to find out more about how you can increase sales right away, call me at 858-951-3055, or visit and send an email with details about your company's sales situation.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Will DRM Save the Record Industry?

Without a doubt the single most influential agent of change in business trends in the last ten to twenty years has been the internet.  There is virtually no business segment or market that has gone unchanged by this powerful force.  But of all of the various businesses impacted by cyberspace, the music industry has to the one that has seen the most dramatic change and the greatest challenge to keep up, adapt and survive an onslaught of change unprecedented in its history.

The first major challenge that cyberspace brought to the music business was a complete shift to how music would be sold to music fans worldwide.  In what can only be described as an avalanche, the music buying public virtually abandoned conventional record stores and retail outlets and took the majority of their music purchasing business online.  But this mass influx of business could not be tracked to any one web site that was executing the revolution.  Because of a revolution in how bands and Indie record labels do business online, the music audience followed and began buying their CDs and even concert tickets directly from artists or record labels online and getting those products instantly via downloads.

But as drastic as the market changes this paradigm shift in consumer behavior represented, it was nothing compared to what the internet had in store for the music world.  The next wave of change represented a threat to the music business so serious that it had the potential of putting the music industry out of business forever.  When music consumers began to share digital music electronically over the internet using file sharing software such as Kazaa, Limeware and BitTorrent, suddenly it was possible for a music customer to access all the music they wanted for free by simply downloading this music from another internet user’s computer.

The plummet in music sales as result of these two forces was drastic and traumatic to the music world in general.  At first, the music business executives were at a loss of exactly how to go about stopping the widespread file-sharing phenomenon.  They tried to shut down the software services that provided the networks to users with lawsuits and other punitive actions.  These litigations took a long time and cost a huge amount of money and all the while the flood of free music going out over the internet continued to increase.  Worse of all, when they did slow down one file sharing network, it seemed many more cropped up to replace it which began to look like a nightmare scenario of constant lawsuits against a never-ending and constantly growing enemy.

Public pleas to the music loving public were another attempt to appeal to the conscience of the music world that if artists could not get paid, there would be no more new music.  But the opposite seemed to be the case.  As more and more Indie musicians began to capitalize on file sharing and using it as a method of marketing, the quantity and quality of good music only seemed to increase in this new music marketplace.

The final attempt seemed to be this technology called DRM.  DRM is a digital “lock” that would be required to go on every piece of music released on the internet.  Music with DRM would not be playable except to customers who had a legal right to use it.  At first, this seemed like a viable solution.  But even DRM didn’t stop the flood of lost revenue through file sharing.  And hackers seemed more than happy to learn to undo any technical locks the music industry could come up with.

So as we move into the last half of the first decade of this century, the music industry is learning to work with this new music marketplace rather than fight it.  And by learning lessons from the Indie labels and how to serve customers in a digital world, there seems to be a new solution on the way but one that is dictated on the customer’s terms rather on the terms of the big music labels.  Somehow, that seems like it is the way it should have been all along.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

3 Crucial Elements For Jumping Sales Numbers

Marketers from every niche have common ground when it comes to bills.  Yeah, every month there’s a new stack of bills demanding to be paid.  Will there be enough profit to slide right through bill paying time without a flinch?  Or do you find yourself fretting about whether you’ll even break even?  You don’t have to be victimized by envelopes and 8x10 sheets of paper.  Implement these 3 techniques to boost your sales. 

1.  Find More Customers
The first thing that comes to mind when we think of making more money is getting more customers through our doors.  In fact, the majority of advertising focuses on doing just that.  There are several things you can do to entice more customers to buy from you.

Implement Follow-Ups
Marketing gurus have discovered that follow ups can increase your customer conversion rates by as much as 50%.  Now, that’s a whopping improvement!  Don’t let potential customers fade away.   Keep the doors for future communication open, and watch the drastic growth in your profits.

Encourage Referrals
Every satisfied customer will tell 3 friends or family members about your business - without encouragement.  Imagine what would happen if you start rewarding their efforts.

Get Free Publicity
Nearly everyone keeps a sharp eye on the local news.  Hey, it’s funner to know what’s going on when you personally recognize the names and faces in print!  Find ways to make your business newsworthy and catch the attention of potential customers without even paying advertising fees.

2.  Sell More Per Customer
Think about it... how can you get every customer that walks through your doors to spend more money before walking back out the doors?  Here are 3 sure-fire, profit increasing tips:

Increase your prices.
Hey, that might not be as bad as you think.  Along with the price increase, focus on increasing the perceived value of your product.  Yeah, we all expect to pay a little more for high quality stuff.  Not everyone is bent on finding the absolute cheapest price in town... they may be more interested in lasting quality.

Add some higher end products or services to your business.
It’s never wise to put all of your eggs in one basket.  That’s why wise marketers diversify their products and services.  Think of it this way... higher priced products may not make as many sales, but each sale will bring in a much greater profit.  You don’t need to make as many sales to come out on the best end of the deal.

Offer every customer an additional product that accents his current purchase at the register.  Hey, maybe they forgot they’d need batteries to go with the toy they're getting for their niece's birthday gift!  You can be a hero... a richer hero.

3.  Sell More Often
The fact that it’s easier to sell to the people who know and trust you is obvious.  Sometimes we get so focused on new customers that we miss the gold mine in our own back yard.  Take advantage of the hard work you’ve invested in winning the loyal customers you already have with these ideas:

Create a Special Deal
Show your customers you appreciate them and understand their needs with a special offer catered just for them.  You’ll be thanking them, and selling more in the process.

Add New Products
Increase the number of products you already have available - especially products that your customers have asked for.  They’ll know that you’re looking out for them, and you’ll take their thanks to the bank.

Resell yourself on a regular basis.  Don’t forget to let them know about upcoming specials that they’ll appreciate.  Most of all... keep selling them on the benefits of the products or services you offer.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

"Double Your eBay Sales In 30 Days!"

First, and as important to your success as anything you learn here, is clearly understanding how eBay users find things to spend their money on.

No matter what type of buyer they are, no matter where they come from, they all use the same tool to find auction ads;

"They use the search bar to type in general terms..!"

Very rarely do buyers check the "Search Title and Description" checkbox  and start browsing the more specific results. Heck; the checkbox isn't even an option on the front page of eBay, you actually have to do an "Advanced Search" to even have that option. This just confirms the importance of your title keywords.

Some do browse categories rather than search, but we're mainly concerned with general majorities here, not exceptions to the rule.

In case you're unaware, this means that most searches are ONLY CHECKING YOUR TITLE, not the words in the description area of your ad!!!

Experience tells me that, since you now know this, you are actually way ahead of 70% of the other eBay sellers out there; and that's a very conservative estimate..!

Now that you have a clear understanding of the importance of your title keywords, here's a priority list for precisely picking the right ones for each of your ads:

Take these rules literally, but understand that each of these will not apply to every ad that you run. You have a maximum of 55 characters allowed for your title and just try your best to achieve as many of these as possible in this limited space.

1. Obvious keywords that are specific to the product you're selling and make sure that they are spelled correctly.

2. One or Two misspellings of the obvious keywords from the last rule. (Google says that 33% of all searches are misspelled) ...CATCH THAT? One Third! Don't Forget This Part.

3. One or Two general eBay keywords such as "nr", "n/r", "no reserve", "free shipping", or "lot". These are keywords that a lot of pro buyers search for.

4. Other general keywords like "new", "free", "excellent", "pc", "usb", "dvd", "wholesale", or "supplies". You can only use ones that are relevant to the product you're selling, but these are very powerful.

Now, take these rules and create a list on a piece of paper each time you're about to list an ad. Usually the list is way too big to fit into the title. Once your list is done, start narrowing down the list using the priority structure that I just gave you until they do fit into the 55 character limit.

If you have more than one of the item to sell and intend to list multiple copies of your ad, be certain to take the time to create different titles for each one!!! If you don't, and you just use the same title for each copy; you're just wasting money. Multiple versions of the same ad with different titles for each can really increase your traffic.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Management by Walking Around

The MBWA method is a management concept that has gotten a lot of “buzz” and popularity in the last decade or so because it is part of a business model for cultural change within the enterprise that has proven successful in a lot of businesses.  The original concept was created by David Packard during the early days of the Hewlett Packard organization, a Silicon Valley company that was well known for its loyal and highly creative employee base that seemed to achieve levels of productivity and employee satisfaction far beyond the norm.

“The HP Way” which the “management by walking around” method was a part of was based on the concept that employees, particularly the subject matter experts in their fields, are capable of being part of the problem solving process and that a team approach to creating new business ideas and innovate ways to solve problems was far superior to the “top down” approach of management coming up with all the answers and dictating them to a mindless but obedient staff.

Packard was a believer in the open space, no walls and easy access to management corporate culture that MBWA exemplifies.  By enabling frequent and unscheduled interactions between employees and between management and staff, new ideas were given maximum opportunity to be birthed and encouragement to be developed which leads to a more responsive and flexible business culture and one that has a robust approach to growth and change.

In order to implement MBWA, the manager must embrace the concept of a flexible and relaxed relationship with staff.  The details of the method that MBWA promotes is summed up nicely in the title, management by walking around.  It suggests that instead of only meeting with employees at scheduled times in formal settings away from other employees or in a staff meeting where the agenda is published in advance, many opportunities for employees to talk to management are encouraged.  When the supervisor or manager walks freely amongst the employees throughout their work day, the opportunity to ask questions and to interact about new ideas the employees are considering is frequent.  From those unscheduled and frequent visits as the manager walks from cubicle to cubicle, great concepts can be birthed which can then be nurtured into new product ideas or novel solutions to problems.

However, if the relationship between management and employee is formal, based on fear or intimidation or not otherwise grounded in warmth and friendship, the MBWA system will go from a powerful method of collaborative problem solving to a tremendous nightmare for everybody.  You don’t want your employees dreading your “drop in” visits and seeing their productivity drop as you enter their work space because they are so concerned with impressing and serving management that they dislike your arrival in their world.  It is amazing how quickly a network of employees can detect and set up an early warning system when the manager is walking around so everybody “gets ready” for what they perceive will be an unpleasant sudden visit by management.

To avoid this, the supervisor should in other ways foster a relaxed relationship with staff.  The employee must feel free to discuss issues and questions openly with management without fear of being scoffed at, mocked, belittled or punished.  Many a company has generated a “HP Way” concept that comes out of the human resources department that amounts to little more than color posters on the wall and a suggestion box but nothing changes in the corporate culture or how each manager interacts with the staff.  Employees are quick to notice the hypocrisy of such a program and the result is management because an object of ridicule instead of inspiration.

By making your visits enjoyable, a welcome experience and one where the employee doesn’t fear your arrival, you can expect outstanding results from the MBWA method.  And you will know you have achieved true change in your corporate culture when not only do you walk around to visit employees but employees “drop in” on you by walking around if for no other reason than to share a joke or a donut.  That is an ideal setting for team work and proactive problem solving.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Menentukan Format Digital Untuk Penerbitan Produk

Bila disebut tentang produk digital, ianya terdiri dari pelbagai aspek digital seperti perisian, audio, video, ebook dan beberapa lagi aspek digital lain. Masalah dalam penerbitan produk adalah apakah format digital yang sesuai untuk menerbitkan sesebuah produk.
Kebanyakan produk digital adalah dalam format eBook, yang mana adalah jenis buku yang boleh dimuat turun dan dibaca di komputer atau alat-alat elektronik lain. Format sebegini banyak digunakan dalam penerbitan produk-produk informasi. Hal ini kerana, eBook dapat dicetak dan dibaca dalam bentuk buku (hardcopy). Secara langsung ianya tetap dapat memberikan perasaan yang sama seperti membaca buku yang dibeli dikedai.
Video adalah format yang amat popular. Sesetengah orang lebih gemar maklumat mereka dalam format video kerana ia lebih menyeronokkan, tetapi anda perlu ingat bahawa tidak semua orang menggemari kandungan video. 
Terdapat juga orang yang mempunyai sambungan Internet perlahan yang tidak boleh tonton video secara online, jadi anda mesti pastikan untuk menawarkan kandungan bertulis bagi mereka yang tidak boleh muat turun video.
Audio adalah satu lagi kemungkinan. Anda boleh baca eBook anda dan letakkannya dalam format audio, upah jurucakap untuk bercakap bagi pihak anda, atau anda boleh tawarkan fail audio tambahan yang mempertingkatkan nilai produk anda. Sebagai contoh, jika anda ada produk tafakur, anda boleh tawarkan muzik yang menenangkan hati atau bunyi-bunyian alam semulajadi.
Anda boleh juga gunakan kombinasi format-format ini dan cipta satu tawaran pakej. Ini akan membuatkan tawaran anda lebih memikat kepada pendengar yang lebih berbagai-bagai, dan ia juga akan membuatkan produk anda nampak lebih bernilai berbanding hanya eBook tunggal. Anda harus ingat, prospek mempunyai keinginan yang berbeza. untuk menarik minat prospek, anda harus memberikan mereka sesuatu yang mereka minati.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Employee Retention in the Twenty First Century

The business paradigm in virtually every department of the modern business has been undergoing continuous change in the last ten years to such an extent that it becomes necessary to step back and review how we do business in all aspects of corporate life in light of new markets and new ways even our employees do business.  This is as much true in our Human Resource Department as it is in Marketing.  The labor pool is changing and the impact on the bottom line of the business can see be serious if we don’t change how we go about recruitment and view employee retention in light of the changes to the available educated labor “out there” to draw upon for our staffing needs.

Employee retention and how we approach the concept of keeping employees over many years is an area where certain assumptions must be challenged if we are going to stay competitive.  Some assumptions concerning employee retention that are rapidly becoming obsolete include…

§    That there is an unlimited resource of eager employees out there to fill my staffing needs.
§    That it’s a good idea to cycle employees in and out of the company because that keeps benefits costs down.
§    That the “my way or the highway” approach to management is the right way to go to enforce your vision for how work will get done.
§    That employees are commodities.  There are always more where they came from.
§    That employees should be grateful just to get a paycheck.
§    It is better to keep a youthful staff and to move older employees out of the work place.

The labor pool in changing with shifts in the demographics in the country and those changes make these assumptions obsolete and dangerous if we expect to keep a staff that can provide quality support for our business objectives.  Because the “baby boom” is leaving the market and being replaced with a smaller and less skilled youth population, we have to adjust our expectations both in terms of hiring and retention.

Probably the biggest change we have to get used to is to begin to view employees as valued assets and to give significant attention to retention, not just once a year at performance review time but on a daily and weekly basis.  The assumption that employees will work for us for a paycheck and that we can exert leverage in the management situation because of a large labor pool we can tap to replace unhappy employees has become a flawed approach to people management.

The truth is the pool of talented labor is shirking at an alarming rate.  If you have a staff of skilled people who you have invested in to bring up their knowledge and skill levels, that is an investment worth.  Skilled and educated employees are in short supply and, above all, they know they are in demand so they can move from job to job without difficulty if they become dissatisfied at their current work place.

These changes to the paradigm of emplacement justify a corporate wide reevaluation of retention policies and strategies.  The HR Department should be on the forefront of changing the business’s attitude toward employees from one of “us against them” to one of employee empowerment and partnership. 

The managers who will excel at retaining valuable, productive and trained employees will be those who see the employment relationship as a contract in which management has responsibilities to employees to assure their continued growth and success just as the employee must pull his weight in the company.  A partnership approach to management will go a long way toward improving the company’s retention profile which will benefit the business in a multitude of ways.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Businesses Learn to Make SEO Work for Them

One of the most important talents any management team of a business can have is to be able to detect changes in the marketplace and adjust how the business operates to function in that new market.  Some call it “thinking outside the box” and others refer to this talent as “working with a new paradigm”.  Whatever the term of the day is, without the flexibility to change as the market changes, a business is destined to fade away.

Of the many business and market trends that have changed the paradigm by which business is done in the new century, internet marketing ranks near the top of the most drastic and sweeping change that virtually every business has had to adapt to in order to survive and thrive in the new business world.

At first, most in the business world considered the internet to be a toy and perhaps a good communication tool.  But in the last decade, the power of internet marketing and the need to compete in that marketplace has never been more evident.  And just as business learns new marketing and communication methods when they enter a new market such as learning to do business overseas, the internet has brought with it entirely new tools and weapons that the modern business must learn to use skillfully to succeed in a cyberspace business environment.

Of the many new acronyms that have been added to the business vocabulary, “SEO” is one that is central to success in the internet marketing world.  SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and it is an entire discipline unto itself.  By learning to utilize well developed SEO methods, a business can learn to dominate their particular market niche even in a cyberspace business world.

Just as in the conventional business world, to be successful with a particular market, you have to go where they are and learn to get noticed and get your message to the consumer even as your competition is doing the same thing.  In the world outside of cyberspace that may mean various methods of advertising, promotional campaigns, good customer service and a long term promotional strategy that will grow the businesses market presence over time.

All of these business objectives remain the same in the world of internet marketing, but the “places” customers can be found are profoundly different.  As such, it becomes critical that a business builds a modern and up to date web site that appeals to the customers perceptions of what they will expect when they come to shop with you and that stays up to date continuously s the internet continues to change and evolve. 

But it isn’t enough to just have a state of the art business web site up for modern internet business web site to succeed.  Just as to be successful in the physical world, customers must come to you or you must go to them.  And the primary method of letting customers know who you are and drawing them to your well designed web site is to connect to them through a search engine such as Yahoo, Google or MSN. 

Search Engine Optimization methods are powerful techniques that can be used to assure that when your customer looks for a business such as yours, they will notice you first and your competition second, or not at all.  That means when the customer “searches” for your product or service on Google or another search engine, your business comes up on the first page of selections that the search engine finds. 

SEO takes time, investment of funds and talent and skill to work with the search engines so your business gets that kind of attention.  But it is worth the investment because the outcome can be an internet business presence that bring the kind of success every business wants.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Membuat Squeeze Pages yang Hebat

Jika squeeze pages adalah yang benar-benar membawa orang ke bisnes pemasaran rangkaian anda, maka anda perlulah bersikap serius. Inilah beberapa cara untuk mempertingkatkan keupayaan praktik lead generation anda demi memastikan anda mendapat pulangan yang setimpal.

Kaedah-kaedah ini membicarakan tentang apa yang anda mesti buat dengan lead capture page anda. Squeeze page, adalah laman di mana anda meminta alamat emel seseorang sebelum anda membawa mereka ke tempat di mana mereka boleh muat turun hadiah percuma yang telah anda janjikan. Ini biasanya dibuat melalui blog mereka. Mereka menerbitkan iklan kecil di mana-mana tempat pada page itu di mana mereka memberitahu anda mereka boleh muat turun eBook percuma atau mungkin subscribe(melanggan) ke newsletter. Tetapi link itu membawa mereka ke lead capture page terlebih dahulu. Selepas mereka masukkan alamat emel mereka, mereka akan dibawa ke page muat turun. Muslihat ini selalunya menjadi kerana orang memang mengharapkan hadiah percuma, yang mana membuatkan mereka sedikit pun tidak kisah memberikan alamat mereka.

Inilah tip-tip untuk mempertingkatkan keupayaan lead capture page yang sangat-sangat penting ini.

Gunakan Heading yang Bagus

Inilah yang mula-mula merebut perhatian pembaca . Pamerkan  faedah-faedah di heading itu sendiri. Beritahu mereka yang mereka boleh jadi kaya, dsb. Pendek kata, headline mestilah seolah-olah memaksa orang terus membaca.

Nyatakan Faedah-faedahnya

Pastikan anda menyebut satu persatu faedah menyertai peluang anda pada squeeze page. Tidak perlulah terlalu terperinci – ini bukannya surat jualan. Tetapi tulis cukup hanya untuk menarik minat mereka.

Gunakan Multimedia

Gunakan audio dan video sebaik-baiknya. Ia menarik perhatian lebih baik berbanding teks. Juga, dalam klip media ini, tunjukkan faedah meng’optin’ ke list anda.

Cara Yang Kemas

Kandungan yang tidak bermutu dalam lead capture page anda sebenarnya mendatangkan kesan yang sebalik dari yang diharapkan kerana ia boleh menganggu tumpuan prospek anda. Tulis dengan cara yang kemas, gunakan senarai bullet dan nombor. Gunakan bahasa yang baik dan jangan lakukan kesalahan tatabahasa. Pecahkan kandungan anda kepada subheading yang bagus.

Monday, 2 September 2013

3 easy steps to start a successful online business

Dear friend,

As a valued subscriber, I wanted to let you in on a
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Get all the exciting details at:

Of course, your site will be 100% customizable!

You can instantly:

* Change the color scheme!
* Add your favorite affiliate programs!
* Create linking partnerships!
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* Upload ebooks, software and more...

The possibilities are truly unlimited!

Get your new website today at:

To Your Success!

Juan Henry

Friday, 30 August 2013

5 Kesilapan Ketika Melakukan Pemasaran Emel part 5

Kesilapan Kelima : Bersikap Tidak Professional Ketika Menghantar Emel.
Penggunaan perkataan aku dan menganggap subscriber anda sebagai kawan adalah antara kesilapan yang di lakukan oleh IM. Mereka bukan kawan anda tetapi pelanggan anda. Sikap professional banyak di amalkan oleh IM-IM yang ada kredibiliti. Mereka melayan setiap karenah pelanggan dengan professioanal. Begitu juga dengan subscriber mereka.
Gunakan pendekatan personalize sudah cukup untuk mendekatkan diri anda dan subscriber anda. Ramai IM menganggap setiap subscriber adalah manusia biasa dan mereka menghantar emel dengan mengaggap seolah-olah subscriber mereka akan mendengar semua yang mereka katakan.
Mereka silap setiap subscriber di dalam senarai emel mereka bukanlah manusia biasa tetapi adalah pelanggan. Anda perlu melayan pelanggan anda secara professional seolah-olah anda berada di dunia sebenar.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

5 Kesilapan Ketika Melakukan Pemasaran Emel part 4

Kesilapan  Keempat : Menghantar Emel Yang Terlalu Panjang.
Siapa suka membaca? Jika anda masih belajar, mungkin. Jika anda sudah mempunyai keluarga dan bekerja, mungkin tidak. Anda silap jika anda ingat pemilik emel akan membaca semua yang anda tulis kerana anda juga tidak pernah lakukan, kenapa orang lain akan lakukan.
Kebanyakan IM bersifat tamak dengan melakukan promosi 3 hingga 4 produk dalam satu emel. Tahukah anda? betapa menyampahnya pemilik emel untuk menerime emel yang panjang dari anda. Cukup sahaja menulis emel yang ringkas dan padat. Ada pakar IM mencadangkan untuk menghantar emel dalam 300 hingga 400 perkataan sahaja dan saya rasa cadangan tersebut mungkin betul.